Rational Scientific Theories from Theism


Partial Views of the Multiple Generative Levels 

All degrees are active 'as if' on their own

The view of spiritual and natural worlds being developed in theistic science has the feature that each successive degree as life, dispositions and/or energy 'as if' it were active from itself. In fact, its capacities to act all come from prior degrees, but it is a mistake that could be made at at any one of a number of stages to neglect all the prior degrees. 

Partial views and theories can therefore be formed in numerous multitudes, by attributing 'life itself' to any finite stage. Those partial views would all be non-theistic, would all be incomplete, and would therefore be essentially erroneous. But that has not stopped many thinkers in history of forming and advocating such partial views. 

Preliminary Synopsis

For example, from the discrete degrees analysis , we have the ennead of degrees (Fig 8 ), all of which receive influx from the Divine source: 
interior mind:
love 1.
exterior mind:
understanding 2.
natural world:
effects 3.
Celestial: 1.1 Internal Rational: 2.1 Reception: 3.1
Spiritual: 1.2 Scientific (External Rational): 2.2 Scientific Laws: 3.2
Spiritual-Natural: 1.3 Sensual: 2.3 Material effects: 3.3

Then, many partial views may be constructed:

  1. No celestial basis of love, only spiritual thought. This thought will not remain permanently e.g. after death.

    interior mind:


    exterior mind:
    understanding 2.
    natural world:
    effects 3.

    Internal Rational: 2.1 Reception: 3.1
    Spiritual: 1.2 Scientific (External Rational): 2.2 Scientific Laws: 3.2
    Spiritual-Natural: 1.3 Sensual: 2.3 Material effects: 3.3


  3. All is love: 

    interior mind:


    exterior mind:
    natural world:
    Celestial: 1.1 External loves: 2.1 Reception: 3.1
    Spiritual-Natural: 1.3 Sensual: 2.3 Material effects: 3.3


  5. No internal mind at all, only explicit thought and feeling as we are immediately aware of:

    exterior mind:
    understanding 2.
    natural world:
    effects 3.
    Internal Rational: 2.1 Reception: 3.1
    Scientific (External Rational): 2.2 Scientific Laws: 3.2
    Sensual: 2.3 Material effects: 3.3


  7. No interior rationality apart from scientific and sensual thinking:

    exterior mind:
    understanding 2.
    natural world:
    effects 3.

    Reception: 3.1
    Scientific (External Rational): 2.2 Scientific Laws: 3.2
    Sensual: 2.3 Material effects: 3.3


  9. No essential distinction between minds and the natural world:

    exterior mind:
    understanding 2.
    natural world:
    effects 3.

    Reception: 3.1
    Scientific (External Rational): 2.2 Scientific Laws: 3.2
    Sensual: 2.3 Material effects: 3.3


  11. No minds apart from nature (epiphenomenalism):

    natural world:
    effects 3.

    Quantum Gravity: 3.1

    Scientific Laws: 3.2
    (appearance of Sensual) Material effects: 3.3


  13. No minds apart from nature (strict materialism):

    natural world:
    Quantum gravity: 3.1
    Scientific Laws: 3.2
    Material effects: 3.3


  15. No laws apart from material processes:

    natural world:
    Materials: 3.3


  17. No materials, only appearances (idealism):

    (appearance of natural world)
    Sensual: 2.3
As well as these options, there are others concerning different choices for the relation between the Lord and his universe, in particular concerning his Incarnation, concerning the precise reasons for incarnation, and concerning the interrelations between the trinity of Love/Wisdom/Use within him.

www.TheisticScience.org Author: Ian J. Thompson, Email: IanT at TheisticScience.org